I’ve been going thru Lynda’s Rails 5 Essentials by Kevin Skoglund today and finished chapter 4. This Lynda course is part of a class I’m in at Dallas Makerspace on creating Rails & React apps. Here’s my repo for the simple content management system.

I’ve been practicing “atomic commits”, and today got up to 40. https://github.com/chemturion/content-management-system/commits/master

I also tried the challenge at the end of chapter 4 and went a step further to create the model associations in addition to the foreign key definitions in the database migrations. The default migration method is #change, and Skoglund has us splitting this method into #up and #down. Unfortunately I got careless in my Section migration and didn’t change my drop_table :sections call to the #down method. So I had TWO #up methods! So I was able to rails db:migrate and rails db:migrate:status no problem, but my schema didn’t have a Sections table. That was a fun 20 minutes of troubleshooting. I can see how tests would help point out this deviation.

Kevin also created foreign keys a bit different. In his Section migration, inside the #up > create_table... he has t.integer :page_id, and outside of create_table... he has add_index "sections", "page_id".

I went a different route: t.belongs_to :page, foreign_key: true, index: true. So we ended up with different schemas. His page_id was an integer, whereas mine resolved (after the migration) to a bigint. His t.index had an additional option at the end: using: :btree. I have no idea what this means, and just making the observation at this point.
