I’ve got a root home page, an about page, and a couple show pages in my app. I’d like to have a navigation bar at the top that doesn’t have to be hard coded in every page. I think this is done in app/views/layouts/application.html.erb, and all the other pages get “yielded” to, if that makes sense. I’m first going to confirm these changes in my dummy generated app, and then create from scratch in my narify app.

So let’s make our “navbar” just a primary header with our app’s title linked to the root, and a link to the About page. I’m going to create a new file called app/views/layouts/_navbar_header.html.haml and put in the following code:

%h1 Narify Navbar Header Partial
  = link_to 'Home', root_path
  = link_to 'About', about_path

The h1 will remind me what the element is, the h2 and h3 links will always be at the top of every page, no matter what. So now let’s remove links to Home and About in our other existing pages. So now let’s tell app/views/layouts/application.html.erb to render the navbar header partial view immediately before the yield.

  <%= render 'layouts/navbar_header' %>
  <%= yield %>

Notice that we don’t have to include the underscore in the render 'layouts/navbar_header' command. Also, because we used the generic (abstracted) routes and link_to earlier, we don’t have to update our link_to code or our routes.rb file. Last step is to redo this approach by hand in my narify app.

First step is to create the partial view _navbar_header.html.haml, just like above, and then remove the references to Home and About from individual pages. However, the first difference I notice is that I don’t have a layouts folder, so I’ll create that folder. And because I just created that folder, I now realize that I’ve been operating without layouts/application.html.erb this whole time! Before we create the partial, let’s create this important file first.

    %title Narify
    = csrf_meta_tags
    = render 'layouts/navbar_header'
    = yield

I basically Hamlized the auto-generated code (minus the stylesheet and JS references) and included the render statement. Let’s make that partial view now (same as above).

%h1 Narify Navbar Header Partial
  = link_to 'Home', root_path
  = link_to 'About', about_path

Admittedly, when I Hamlized the application.html.erb file, I got an error in browser, so I’ll have to remember to bring those lines back in when I’m ready to include CSS and Javascript.