My Narify app currently has a list of sample narrations as an unordered list. At this point I want to add a Listen link, which will navigate to the narration’s corresponding page. So… where to start? I think I’ll need to define the #show method in the Narrations controller, and make available the narration in question as an instance variable, like @narration = Narration.find(params[:id]).

class NarrationsController < ApplicationController
  def home
    @narrations = Narration.all
  def show
    @narration = Narration.find(params[:id])

Now let’s update the route file with get '/narrations/:id' => 'narrations#show', as: :narration. This should let me use the link_to thingy, or let a user type a URL with an id.

Rails.application.routes.draw do
  root to: 'narrations#home'
  get '/narrations/:id' => 'narrations#show', as: :narration

At this point I’d like to test that the route works and will display a narration. So I’m going to create a new file in app/views/narrations/show.html.erb and insert some code. Here it is:

%h1 This is a narration show page.

= @narration.title

The only way to get here is go to where is my localhost and 1 is just some id. I only have two sample records in my database, so there’s only 1 and 2. Let’s add a link to the list on my homepage.

- @narrations.each do |narration|
      = narration.title
      = link_to 'Listen', narration_path(narration)

I honestly had a hell of a time getting that link_to bit to work. The Rails Routing from the Outside In instructions made it seem like the correct route would have been link_to 'Listen', narration_path(@narrations) or even the shorthand link_to 'Listen', @narrations, but I’m not sure in what situation I’d use that convention.

Let’s add another link, this time on the /narrations/:id page; something like link_to 'Back to Narrations', root_path. Maybe that’ll work. Let’s see.

= @narration.title
= link_to 'Back to Narrations', root_path

And that works. I can go back and forth. Not sure what to do next, but I’ll figure that out another day.