There’s a lot of tutorials on React out there. This one by Google’s X-Team was by far the best at simplifying the approach using Webpacker and Rails 5.

GitHub Battle

GitHub Battle by Tyler McGinnis was a pure React implementation. Configured step by step sans Rails to learn the basics of components, props, and state.

Food Finder

Vanilla Ruby application. Or would it be called a Raw, Uncut, or Rough Ruby app? Nevermind… it’s a Ruby app you run in the terminal using ruby init.rb. Based on Lynda’s Ruby Essential Training.

Ruby on Rails 5 Essential Training

I’ve taken a lot of courses on Lynda thanks to free access as a Dallas Public Library member. This one by Kevin Skoglund was reinforced the basics I learned as a student at the Flatiron School. Check out those atomic commits!

Ruby on Rails: Get More From Active Record

Kevin Skoglund delivers again, and wow was that a lot of information! This course was a homework assignment from a class I’m taking at Dallas Makerspace on Rails & React. The app I’m building is RubyStems, in which users answer multiple choice questions about Ruby, Rails, and Git (because that’s what I know). I compiled a starting question bank from this course.


Also part of my homework from Rails & React at Dallas Makerspace. Over time, I’ve found that my solutions often match or resemble very nearly the most popular solutions.